About Us

From Joanna Couch
Founder, CEO

The best way to get to know who I am is to refer to my all-time favorite movie—City Slickers. There is a scene in the movie where a true cowboy says to the city slicker: “Do you know what the key to life is?—One thing”

I am incredibly blessed to have found my one thing—the art of making natural soap. Soap-making has been part of my life since 2009, when I started making soap from scratch with my grandmother’s recipe. After a decade of building my knowledge and foundation of the soap-making craft, I founded The Soap Gal in 2019.

Today, I proudly use my knowledge to help other soap entrepreneurs grow their businesses. For ten years, I’ve dedicated myself to crafting and producing custom formulations for various well-established brands. We are, as I like to say, some of the largest natural soap brands’ little secret.

With hundreds of clients that have thousands of happy customers, I am grateful to live my life doing what I’m most passionate about—producing some of the highest quality soaps and skin goods on the market.

We look forward to helping you bring your vision to life!

Real People, Making Real Good Products

Behind every company or brand is a group of hardworking people committed to bringing one vision to life. Our team is the backbone of what we do. Each person plays an integral role from formulating and batching, to mixing, pouring, cutting and packing. Every bar is handled with precision and care by real people, preserving the artisan handmade quality of our products.